API Reference

This section provides a detailed overview of the API of the different elements of the SOLVER-AI system and how to interact with them effectively.

This guide is divided into six main subsections, each focusing on a different aspect of the SOLVER-AI API:

  • Equation Module: This subsection explains how to use the Equation module for performing calculations on input variables to obtain the value of an output variable.
  • Code Module: Here, you'll learn how to use the Code module to perform more complex operations, including communicating and retrieving data from external servers.
  • HardData Module: This subsection covers how to use the HardData module , where there are a number of alternative products or fixed data among which the solver needs to select one.
  • SoftData Module: In this subsection, you'll learn how to use the SoftData module for performing machine learning tasks to estimate the values of a set of outputs given a set of inputs.
  • Problem: This subsection explains how to use the Problem to select any number of modules you have created (Equation, Code, HardData and SoftData) and combine them together in one unique component with its own set of inputs and outputs.
  • Solver: The final subsection of the guide provides detailed information on how to use the solver to retrieve the inputs and outputs required for the problem to be solved, specify how to treat each, and submit the problem to be executed and retrieve the results.

Each subsection provides detailed explanations and examples to help you understand how to use each endpoint effectively. Whether you're a beginner just getting started with SOLVER-AI or an experienced user looking for advanced tips, this guide has something for everyone.

We hope you find this guide helpful as you explore all that SOLVER-AI has to offer. Happy solving!

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