Once the Problem has been created, everything is ready for execution. You can retrieve the inputs and outputs required for the problem to be solved and specify how to treat each. Inputs can be set as ranges as well as fixed values and constraints and objectives can be set for each of the outputs allowing you to customize the problem as needed. Submit the problem to be executed and retrieve the results.
The computation RESTful interface allows:
The base URL for the Solver endpoint is https://computer.solver-ai.com/.
The solver can be set up via the Browsable API or programmatically (more on this here).
Problems Setup
The solver can be set up via Browsable API (4 - Problem Setup)
When logged in, the configuration for a particular problem can be obtained via the dropdown in Browsable API (4 - Problem Setup). Once selected the problem you can specify the execution setup:
Problem Execution
Click on the Submit button in the Browsable API (5 - Problem Execution) to start the solver.
The results are displayed in Browsable API (6 - Results). Note that the amount of time for generating a result will depend on the complexity of the problem to be solved.
Results are displayed in table format in the Browsable API:
Only authenticated users can interact with this endpoint. This can be done via the [API] page or programmatically via a token, which can be obtained from the [Account] page.
All problems solved will be associated with the authenticated user.