Equation, as the name implies, are to be used where calculations are to be performed on a number of input variables in order to obtain the value of an output one.
The Equation endpoint provides a RESTful interface to interact with Equation objects in the database. It allows authenticated users to create, update, and delete their own Equations objects.
The base URL for the Equation endpoint is https://datamanagerapi.solver-ai.com/api/data/equations/.
An Equation can be set up via the Browsable API (2 - Module Management) or programmatically (more on this here).
The parameters required for creating an Equation module are:
Following is an example of the data when setup through the Browsable API:
Name: Example Equation EquationString: z = x + y VariablesString: x, y VectorizationIndices: 3-5
More on VectorizationIndices
The VectorizationIndices can be left:
For the example above, VariablesString represents the inputs to the equation, which are 'x' and 'y'. The VectorizationIndices field is set to '3-5', indicating that this equation should be vectorized over the indices 3, 4, and 5. This is equivalent to defining three separate equations:
If VectorizationIndices is left empty, then the code will not be vectorized and the naming of the variables will remain as defined by the VariablesStringIn and VariablesStringOut.
More on the EquationString
The EquationString is python 3.9 compatible. Together with the equation string most numpy operations are supported, except those involving file operations. numpy can be used within the equation as for example:
z = x + np.cos(y)
The supported functions are:
Only authenticated users can interact with this endpoint, this can be done via the API page or pragrammatically via a token, which can be obtained from the Account page.
All Equation created will be associated with the authenticated user, and and will not be accessible by other users.