====== Programmatic API Example ====== The programmatic example coincides exactly with the [[getting_started:browsable_api_example|Browsable API Example]]. The code for the example can be downloaded by cloning the repository from [[https://github.com/SOLVER-AI-LTD/client]]. More information on the Client API can be found [[:api_clients|here]]. The example is provided in three different programming languages: * python * javascript * C++ The files implementing the examples are: * python: client/python/example_getting_started.py * javascript: js/example_getting_started.js * C++: client/cpp/example_getting_started.cpp __**Implementation Description**__ The examples perform the full range of operations as described in [[getting_started:browsable_api_example|Browsable API Example]]: - Creating all of the required modules as described in [[getting_started:browsable_api_example|Browsable API Example]]. - Cretaing the //Problem// by means of class //SolverAiClientSetup//. - Setting up the problem for execution by means of class //SolverAiComputeInput//. - Executing the problem by means of class //SolverAiClientCompute// and obtaining results, returned as an object of class //SolverAiComputeResults//. - Modifying the //Equaiton// module adding the battery_num, as describe in [[getting_started:browsable_api_example|Browsable API Example]]. - Executing the problem once again. - Cleanup: deleting the problem and all the modules.